No, really. Go ahead. Steal it. You should.
We have all kinds of readers, users & members at the International Social Media Chamber of Commerce. Home-based entrepreneurs, restaurant owners, enterprise CEO's, digital media strategists, Social Media directors, non-profit marketing get the idea. Every one of you a different kind of business and organization with many different goals and levels of social media comprehension.
If you're a small business owner or a one-man/woman shop you may not think an established "Social Media policy" is one of your most pressing concerns. And, it's probably not. But, the cool thing about the Social Media policy outlined for employees of Intel is that it makes sense for pretty much any organization or business galloping through the Social Media forest.
For a large corporation or any business with multiple works.
For an individual or entrepreneur trying to utilize the works.
So, if you're new to Social Media, or a small business, imagine the Intel policy as a guideline for how to best function & interact in this incredibly rewarding environment.
If you're a larger entity that lacks a clearly defined policy for your employees/volunteers (and don't forget sub-contractors & vendors!) then you can't go wrong by stealing a lot or a little from the Intel dictates.
Seriously, even if you're something like a mom-and-pop restaurant chain with a couple of locations and 15 or 20 employees, that's potentially 20 people with blogs, Facebook & Twitter profiles that represent your business and image. Make sure they understand both the benefits & the pitfalls available with Social Media.
Here's the Intel Social Media policy. Think about making it your own.
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